Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Accidental parameter reversal.

09:38 In total 5 trades took place overnight 3 lost and 2 won. On this basis, I have to try another strategy. The overnight market must have changed behaviour in some way which has adversely impacted on the PoC team. Therefore, step forward PoC(5) who now enters the team with the hope that some diversification takes place.

10:08 6th trade closed at a win. 7th trade a minor loss. This was due to intervention. Overall, still down on the day.

10:13 8th trade closed as a win. Down small now on the day.

10:15 9th trade closed as a win. This effectively trades out the overnight loss.

10:17 Paused PoC(5) from the PoC team. PoC(5) trades well on volatility. It, also, represents higher risk. Pausing it now reduces risk on the PoC team. Impressed with how PoC(5) quickly aided in recovering the overnight loss.

10:24 10th trade closed at a minor loss. 11th trade scratched; small win.

10:53 Un-paused  PoC(5).

11:57 Noticed that the parameters on PoC(5) were reversed. Interesting, since despite the reversal PoC(5) traded well. Could explain why it performed 1 losing trade. The parameter reversal on the PoCs have to explored further going forwards.

12:33 Closed 12th trade with a small win. Might as well call it a scratch.

14:52 13th trade was a scratch; small loss. 14th to 16th trades were wins though technically the 14th and 15th were scratches with small wins. The 15th was a win.  Overall, this can go down as another scratch day; up a small amount on the day. PoCs effectively paused.

14:55 The lesson today was the effectiveness of using PoC(5) in recovering overnight losses. The accidental reversal in PoC(5) parameters which proves valid to explore further - possibly in developing reversal PoCs. It's clear that my interventions are impacting to recover losses. Closing before the market reverses or scratching trades are interventions. Though I could add breakeven functions into the PoCs algorithm. So far, interventions have proven effective.

15:08 This is the third occasion, during this week, where I have finished up small. Unfortunately, closely monitoring the market has left me feeling drained energy wise. For this reason I am pausing when recovering losses. I look forward to the day when I get back into profitable trading.